Productivity at Work
& Life Balance

Download the free tactical guide and be more productive than you ever thought possible.

I'm Thomas.

Founder of Geman Productivity

I help Professionals achieving better Productivity at Work and Life Balance.

As an german engineer and leader I worked 15 years in the international automotive industry..

Since many years I’m passing my knowledge as a Mentor to engineers, managers and entrepreneurs who want to develop their career and business.


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What My Clients Are Saying

I feel like someone else honestly, my productivity and communication changed so much. I feel really good and enjoy leading a small team of 3 people.
Kyle Simon
I was overwhelmed and frustrated handeling 100 issues at the same time. I learned the best time management stuff of my life and how to delegate. Also my Energy level increased and I have now the power to succeed.
Lisa Hanke
With the training from Thomas, I 've got a new perspective of my job. I'm working now on the really important things, improved my produxtivity by 200% and made a lot of new friends.
Mike Anderson
Software Engineer
Choosing Thomas as my coach was definitely the best decision for my development.
"You exceeded my expectations!"
Joel Miller

Grow Personally And Take The Next Step In Your Career
- Without Missing Out On Your Personal Life.

What are you struggling with?

Would you like to grow personally, but feel like your development is stagnating and you're not reaching your full potential?

Motivation & Lack of Self-Discipline

You have a hard time staying motivated and applying the necessary discipline - you feel like you sometimes get in your own way.

Uncertainty in Appearance

You wish to appear confident and convincing. You want to become more courageous and learn to assert yourself better.

Development Stagnation

You lack a clear direction for your next professional steps. You have the feeling that you are wasting your potential.

Lack of Time & Focus

You sometimes lose the overview and get into stress and time crunch. Your to-do list gets longer and longer and you feel overwhelmed.

Here's how we can help:
- Cooperation Goals -

1) Personal Goals, Clarity and Orientation

Together, we determine your professional direction and record your central goals, values and principles in your personal mission statement.

You will gain clarity where you are and where exactly you want to go.

2) Personal Development

We give you all the tools to quickly advance your personal development.
We train your mindset so that you dare to tackle your goals.

You courageously take on new tasks and have fun doing it.

3) Your next Career Step

Career development doesn't happen on its own.
Working together, we help you systematically explore your career options, plan your next career step, and move forward step by step.
We give you all the skills you need to succeed your way to the next level.

4) Self-organization and Productivity

You learn to be a master of your own organization. You will no longer lose track of your tasks and time

You will not be distracted by unimportant tasks and will pursue your goals with focus.

5) Visibility in your Company

Silent performers are often disadvantaged.
In the cooperation you will learn to be visible proactively and authentically in order to develop from a silent performer to a valued top performer in your company.

6) Negotiation for better results

Most of the conditions and results are negotiable.
We show you how to achieve better results in the team or directly with the customer through clever negotiation techniques.

7) Dealing with stress and difficult situations

We are often dealing with daily issues and customer escalations.

You will learn to control difficult situations and people.
You will keep a cool head in combustible situations.

Change Starts With a Single Step